Good-for-the-planet products. Simple environmental message. That’s us bagged up.

This all started with our desire to do better than the bare minimum to preserve our planet. But with plastic still on the scene, the future looked bleak.

Reducing the world’s plastic consumption is ambitious (even by our standards). So, we’re tackling the things that are within our control.

By creating a range of products where plants replace plastic as the core component, we’re giving our fellow Aussies a way to reduce the amount of waste they send to landfill every day.

Going cold turkey on plastic is hard

We get it! 

That’s why we make common household items that people need and use all the time. They’ve got all the functionality and convenience of regular plastic but are made from renewable corn starch.

Minimising our collective footprint is a massive goal. And it’s gonna take every single one of us making small (seemingly insignificant) changes to the products we use.


There’s a scary lack of awareness about how to spot and how to rot compostable items. And while most of us want to do the right thing by the planet, it can quickly end up in the ‘too hard’ basket.

That’s why we’re on a mission to let people know how to recognise, treat and properly dispose of compostable items, without the confusing eco-jargon.

Corporate Social Responsibility

purposeful policies

We make our decisions based on their environmental impact. We go the extra mile to ensure our actions are not having a negative effect on the planet and seek guidance from the governing bodies in our industry on how we can live and act more sustainably. In the near future, our aim is to become B certified as a business that meets the highest standards of social, environmental performance, accountability and transparency.

Ethical supply chain

We take steps to mandate responsible manufacturing processes and reduce any unnecessary packaging and emissions at every step of the journey. To address this, we’ve embedded a code of conduct for our suppliers that mandates appropriate waste management practices, a culture of environmental innovation and ongoing reductions in pollution and emissions.

Equal Opportunities

We’re committed to responsible business practices that promote the fair and equal treatment and inclusion of all people. This involves fair pay, a safe and healthy working environment, and a commitment that all employees are treated with dignity and respect. Let It Rot are a proud signatory to the US Standards of Conduct for Businesses in Tackling Discrimination Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex people.
